CCHS Girls basketball. Substate finals! @ Centralia vs Centralia. March 7 @ 7:30PM
Also, Frankfort Knights of Columbus is hosting their fish fry this Friday. Stop in there for supper on your way to Centralia.

CCHS Boys Basketball. March 3 vs Rural Vista

FYI... FYI...

CCHS Girls Basketball. Saturday, March 1. 7:00PM.

Clifton-Clyde Middle School is looking for a 6th-8th grade Social Studies teacher. Contact Mr. Sacco (esacco@usd224.com) if interested or if you have any questions. #CliftonClydePride

CCHS Basketball. Girls vs Bishop-Seabury. Feb. 24. 6PM

CCHS Basketball Feb. 22.
Boys coaches will communicate what games each player will participate in.

CCHS Basketball at Axtell. Feb. 21.
Also, baked goods sale. Bring extra cash!

There will be No School Wednesday, February 19, for USD 224.
Stay safe and warm.

CCHS basketball substate brackets are out.
Girls play home Monday (2/24) vs Bishop Seabury Academy.
Boys have a bye until March 3 and will play at home.
Details to follow as we get closer.

Reminder.... 2/20 and 2/21

Due to current and predicted weather there will be no school Tuesday, Feb. 18, for USD 224.
CCHS basketball games scheduled for Feb 18 at Linn have been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 22, beginning at 2pm with JV boys (full schedule to be released later).

CCMS Scholars Bowl at Blue Valley has been postponed for today. No new date has been announced. #CliftonClydePride

Happy President's Day!

CCHS basketball @ Linn. Feb. 18

CCHS JV boys basketball @ Washington Co. Feb. 15

Due to weather conditions there is no school Feb. 12 for USD 224.
Stay warm and safe.

CCHS Basketball. Feb. 13. Home vs Valley Heights

UPDATE! Please share.

ATTENTION: Junior Parents. Please read!