Please be cautious on bridges and downtown bricks on your way to school and work today!
CCHS Basketball @ Pike Valley. Game to be played at Pike Valley Elementary/Jr HIgh School (Courtland).
December 9.
6:00pm Varsity girls, then varisty boys. No JV.
The CCGS December birthday lunch will be on December 14th. The K-1 eat at 11:15 and the 2-3 eat at 11:45. Please call the office if you plan on attending. #CliftonClydePride
Here is the game information for Thursday’s home games vs Blue Valley. Girls play at CCMS; Boys at CCHS. #CliftonClydePride
5:15pm 1/2 JV girls. Followed by Varsity Girls. Then Varsity Boys. NO JV BOYS due to player numbers with Rock Hills.
Influenza(flu) season has begun. We are seeing it right now in our middle school especially. As expected with high levels of influenza currently circulating in our community, cases of influenza-like illnesses may be increasingly reported in students and staff.
As in past influenza seasons, the health and safety of all children are a priority for each school community. Since flu can spread easily from person to person, we need your help to prevent cases of flu in students and staff. It is important for all staff, students, and families to take the following precautions at this time:
--Monitor the health of your child and all other household members closely by checking for fever and other flu symptoms every morning. Symptoms of flu usually include fever with cough or sore throat, and sometimes runny nose, body aches, headache, vomiting or diarrhea.
--Staff and children with symptoms of the flu should stay at home. Keeping sick students at home is the best way to keep flu from spreading to other students and staff. As much as possible, sick children should be cared for by a single designated caregiver, kept in a separate room in the house and have limited contact with other household members who are not sick. Children with symptoms of flu may not return to school until they are free of fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. A doctor’s note is NOT required in order for your child to return to school. Please notify the school if your child is absent.
--Ill children should be encouraged to drink plenty of clear fluids to prevent dehydration. Do not give any medicines containing aspirin to your child. Contact a healthcare provider and seek medical care immediately if your child is having difficulty breathing or chest pain, has altered mental status or confusion, is vomiting and unable to keep liquids down, or is getting worse.
--Recognize whether your child or any household member is at high risk for severe illness from flu. People at higher risk for flu complications include children under the age of 2 years, pregnant women, people of any age who have chronic medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, cancer or heart disease), and people age 65 years and older. If any high risk person or household member becomes sick with flu-like symptoms, please contact your doctor as soon as possible to ask for advice about antiviral medications.
--Remind all household members to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer regularly. Continue to teach children to cover their cough with their elbow or sleeve, and to avoid touching their face.
--Have all eligible household members vaccinated for influenza as soon as possible. It takes 2 weeks before you are considered covered after receiving.
CCHS Basketball vs Rock Hills. December 6 @ Clifton-Clyde High School
4:30 ½ JV girls then ½ JV boys.
Appx. 6:15 varsity girls then varsity boys.
Here is the game information for Monday’s CCMS Basketball games at Washington. #CliftonClydePride
View tonight’s HS basketball games here:
FYI… we were informed today of a possible scam attempt. A parent of a CCHS student was contacted about buying ACT/PAST study material which they did not solicit. The caller had quite a bit of student information and was requesting the parent's debit/credit card. Please be careful and protect your confidential information with these types of callers/interactions. If you have questions about appropriate and legit ACT materials contact Mrs. Knox at the high school or go to
The Grade School heater has been fixed and is working! CCGS will be back in session tomorrow. #CliftonClydePride
CCHS Basketball. Dec. 2 @ Salina-Sacred Heart.
4:30pm JV girls (HS gym).
4:30pm JV boys (St Mary's gym).
6:00pm V girls.
7:30pm V boys (or 15 min after girls)
Due to heater issues, Clifton-Clyde Grade School (grades preK-3) will not be in session tomorrow November 30, 2022. (USD 224 staff, please check email for your instructions.)
Please share.
Here is the CCMS Basketball schedule for Monday at Manhattan Luckey. #CliftonClydePride
Have a great break!
Here is the CCMS @ Linn game information for Monday, November 21st. #CliftonClydePride
There will be dental screenings tomorrow at all three buildings. Paperwork will be coming home today with students. Please return only if you want your student to be looked at. Any questions, please contact Nurse Sarah. #CliftonClydePride
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) funds are being provided under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, enacted on March 11, 2021. USD 224 would like your input on the future of these funds. The survey will close Nov. 21.
Please select link to complete survey.
Refresh others to refresh yourself.
Here is the schedule for Monday’s CCMS Basketball games vs Valley Heights. #CliftonClydePride